Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Bad Day at the Office

Corporate Doublespeak
"We love your work. Now cut costs by two thirds."

Applicant's Conundrum
"To apply, you must create your own detailed job description."

Over/Under Qualified
You know--damned if you are, damned if you aren't.

Paper Cut
I didn't wear the envelope gloves again. Stings in water.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Wrist braces turn trips to the urinal into small nightmares.

Computer Just Crashed
We'd call our tech friend, but she got laid off.

So Your Office Is a Brain-Zapping Fluro-Zone
It makes sense that they'd provide decent coffee, but nooooooo.

Job Protection
"Hey, we're not getting rid of your job--just you."

Seeing the Bossman on the Subway After Work
There's a photo of this next to "awkward" in Webster's.


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